For Women Who Sometimes Forget Their Power But Are Always Willing To Find It.


You are so ready for change. To shift, expand, grow beyond. You’ve been doing the work and yet…

  • The patterns still keep showing up. 

  • You still end up feeling the same.

  • Somehow you are going in circles. Feeling stuck. 

  • Between your desire for change and the actual experience of it something is missing.


About Me

I spent decades feeling at the mercy of life and a victim to other’s behaviour. Nothing was the way I wanted it to be. Nothing felt the way I wanted it to feel. 

How could I be happy and living my desires when so much of that was dependent on other people? How could I create the life I wanted while others weren’t doing their part? 

What changed everything for me was the revelation that what was really stuck was me - my mind and my perceptions. Understanding that all change starts from the inside out AND that nothing could change until I did was the missing piece that shifted EVERYTHING.

 Once you learn to recognise the well worn patterns, the triggers and the fear that is keeping your mind stuck in a subconscious cycle of repeat you will experience shifts and growth WAY BEYOND YOUR EXPECTATIONS. 

Connecting to your power and creating consciously will become second nature to you as you navigate your life free of limitations.

A nod to A Course In Miracles. 

A lifelong seeker and student of spiritual teachings I found myself living a life where I kept learning that I created my own reality and yet looking around nothing was the way I wanted it to be. 

Everything changed the day my friend said ‘I bought you this book you have been talking about ‘A Course In Miracles’.  The teachings in this book literally saved my life. And all of the things I had learnt before - 19 years of nursing experience, Psychology study…..and all the things that were to still come - Kinesiology, building my own business, client work, writing a book - all of it was a direct result of learning to change my mind and learning how to shift from fear to love.

 “There is an awareness now I didn’t have. Just having a word like ‘rejection’ to identify with in my pain body is extremely powerful in moving forward. You are an absolute legend Sabine! And I don’t say that lightly. I feel like I’m not alone anymore. I’m looking at things differently, making better choices. You helped me find my strength.”

— Claire D.

Are you ready to move out of autopilot living and into creating consciously?