- Inner Critic to Inner Guide -

Turning your mind from Critic To Ally and living your life intune with your intuition. 
An intimate online program for women. 

Over 6 weeks 

  • Four x foundational videos.

  • Four x practical tips and tools videos. 

  • Five x 1 hour live ZOOM meetings (recorded) 

  • Two x 1 hour one on one Kinesiology/mentoring sessions


  • Workbook PDF

  • Inner Guide guided meditation (Audio)

Price - $960

 “I am so glad I did this program. I have this peace inside me which I’ve never had before.I am working my way out of victim consciousness and recognising that procrastination and perfectionism are also part of ego and not the real me. Sharing my experiences and challenges with the other women in the group really helped me clarify things and hearing their experiences encouraged me a lot. The combination of group and one on one was very good. I would recommend this program to women who are on a spiritual path and wanting more clarity and grounding.”

— Ryoko N.


A journey for women

How harsh is your self talk?
Do you live with an inner bully?
Are you your biggest ally?

Walking through life with a narrator that sees you as ‘not enough’ - in all the ways our self judgment of not enough shows up - makes this whole life journey so much harder and harsher than it needs to be.

There is an aspect of our minds - the ‘critic’/ Ego that hijacks situations and stops our access to intuition.

Without learning to recognise the critic how can you know the difference between a ‘gut’ insight and a ‘gut’ reaction to fear?

If you don’t know the difference between the critic and the guide how can you:

  • tell the difference between a wise retreat and an avoidance or a running away

  • feel the difference between a sabotage or a choice that’s in your greater good

 “ I loved this course. Understanding the little voice inside my head, why I am the way I am and why certain things trigger me. I have finally found the tools to not only recognise and observe the inner critic but navigate my way through life with more ease and confidence. I recommend this course for any woman ready to go deeper and understand why we do what we do.”

— Verena W.

Hey there, I’m Sabine

For decades I was oblivious to the fact that the greatest disrespect I encountered was at the hands of my own mind. I was trying to thrive whilst sabotaging myself at every opportunity. I was trying to create the life of my dreams whilst my inner world was like a war zone. My life began to change once I learnt to separate myself from the critic and choose love instead. Life with my mind as an ally and being my own soft place to land brings an ease I could have never imagined. 

Inner Critic To Inner Guide 

6 weeks 8 women 

Group of women laughing

Together we will -

Tone down the critic and turn up the guide
Stop beating ourselves up and start building ourselves up
Create a space that allows the guide to thrive 
Begin to experience life with the guide at the helm. 

Not only will I teach you how to know that Inner Critic’s voice - how to recognise ego from wisdom  and consciously shift yourself from one to the other - I will also constantly remind you that you have a never ending well of power that is always full and always available to you.

And when you are reminded of your power -

You make better choices. 
Lessons are more easily learnt. 
The path becomes clearer. 

Are you in? 

Are you with us?

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